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How to use laptop as a WIFI Hotspot

wifi hotspot

 Here is a solution for you to turn your laptop into a virtual WiFi hotspot.

Best Hindi Font

Many times we are facing problem in hindi typing 
I am giving you solution of this problem Google Hindi Input

How To Send / Receive SMS In Google Chrome Without A Phone [Android]

Ever gone to work or class but forgot to bring your phone along? What options would you have then? Well, you can borrow a colleague or a classmate’s phone for emergency texts or calls, but there is no way to receive the messages that are sent to our phone. If you have access to a computer then you can use your other online social networks to communicate with friends but what about those who are not comfortable using this method?

Android Version Histroy - Android Evolution

Android Evolution

NASA the space agency is sending Android-powered mini-satellites into space sometime in 2013. Its easy-to-use and tweak-able operating system is likely the reason why NASA chose to send these mini-computers into space to help ‘capture digital imagery of the Earth’.
Nonetheless, commercial products are the ones that come from military prototypes, not the way around, which begs the question, how did Android made the climb to stellar proportions, literally, in less than a decade? We take a look at the mobile operating system powering today’s Android devices.

Social Networking Tips

We all are surrounded with lots of social media websites, but at white side where it help us to communicate with our friends and beloved ones, on the dark-black side it also comes up with cyber problems. So let us see how we can use social networking sites in a good and easy manner, away from problems :)

Mobile balance transfer trick

Mobile balance transfer trick for airtel, aircel, vodafone, tata docomo, bsnl and idea.

Here is how to do a balance talktime transfer from a prepaid mobile number to any number within the same provider. The balance transfer service is supported by airtel, aircel, vodafone, bsnl and idea. The process is very simple and easy to follow. This comes quiet handy in situations. So its good to learn this trick as in case of emergency you don’t have to panic searching for mobile balance transfer technique. For instance take the scenario, your friend is traveling and he needs some recharge at midnight and you don’t have provision to do online recharge. you can transfer your balance to him even without getting up from your bed. The balance is transferred instantaneously without much delay. And a small processing fee is charged for this service

How to Monitor Children's Computers

There is so much information on the Internet, both good and bad, that it's important to monitor the Web to make it safe for children. School projects and assignments make it necessary for young people to use the Internet. However, once the research is finished, how do you deny access to myriad 'adult' and other malicious websites? This can be done by monitoring and changing the settings on your child's computer.


download jbed android
In this post, we want to share how to run Java J2ME games and application on your android phones. Actually, the steps are so easy. you just need to install JBed firstly. Here are the details.