It has been reported since its first release that even genuine users are getting this prompt, so Microsoft has them self release instructions for its removal. When I searched on Google about this issue, I landed up on pages which were providing many methods of its removal including those patching up existing files with their cracked versions which I would highly recommend avoiding them as they might contain malicious code and can be used to get you into more trouble.
I found out this method of removal of Windows Genuine Notification :
- Launch Windows Task Manager.
- End wgatray.exe process in Task Manager.
- Restart Windows XP in Safe Mode.
- Delete WgaTray.exe from C:\Windows\System32.
- Delete WgaTray.exe from C:\Windows\System32\dllcache.
- Launch RegEdit.
- Browse to the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify
- Delete the folder WgaLogon and all its contents
- Reboot Windows XP.
Here is how I did it :
- Ignore Step #2 of ending wgatray.exe before restarting to Safe Mode as it serves no purpose.
- At Step #4, wait on the deletion confirmation dialog box and then open task manager to end wgatray.exe
- When you are again prompted for a confirmation for terminating the process, align that confirmation box over the delete confirmation box.
- Press Yes on the Task Manager prompt and then quickly press Yes on the deletion confirmation. (You need to repeat this if you miss it)
- If you did it quickly then you will be able to delete the file.
- Step #5 can be missed. I was able to do it without the Step #5.
- Complete Step 6 to 9 as instructed.
- Go to Control Panel > Security Center > Automatic Update Settings.
- Select the third option “Notify me but don’t automatically download or install them“.
- Click Ok.
- Now when Windows Updates icon will appear in the system tray (it will take some time), click on the icon and it will display a list of available updates.
- This time unselect the checkbox of Windows Genuine Advantage Notification Tool, and click on Download.
- Select “Don’t notify my about these updates again” so it will ignored every time updates are downloaded.
- From the next time, make sure to check the list of download so that you might not
- install any new version of this tool.
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